Spray Foam

When it comes to the top commercial roofing materials out there in terms of longevity and performance, spray polyurethane foam (SPF) has to be on the list. SPF has numerous benefits to its name, including energy efficiency, waterproofing, and insulation.

It is applied in the form of liquid that rapidly expands to about twenty times its original volume into a foam. This form then finally, takes the shape of a solid layer, adding to your existing roofing system. While the liquid undergoes expansion, it flows into cracks, crevices, and tears of your roof, drying into a single monolithic waterproof layer, that in turn covers the whole roof.

Spray foam is generally applied to the protrusions base, flashings, and other spots of potential leaks so that your roof is protected from all types of environmental elements.

Why Choose Spray Foam?

Given that you maintain your spray foam system properly, apart from getting decades of top performance out of your commercial roofing system, you also get to reap several other advantages.

To begin with, spray foam is relatively easy to install and maintain. It can be applied quickly on the surface of any commercial roof, causing minimal disruption to the ongoing business activity inside the building.

Irrespective of the type or shape of your commercial roof, spray foam will settle on it smoothly. Moreover, once the application of spray foam on your roof is completed, throughout its lifetime, it will require minimal maintenance and other preventative measures. Assuming no unexpected weather hazards, you don’t need to have it inspected more than twice annually. It is worth mentioning that if you properly maintain your spray foam roof, you can easily extract additional years out of it

In addition to this, spray foam boosts the energy efficiency of your commercial building. It provides a shield against heat, moisture, and air.  As a result, your building remains fully insulated. With the heat of the sun kept out of your commercial building, spray foam indirectly makes your commercial building more energy efficient. A more energy-efficient building, in turn, means a greater reduction in your energy bills.

On top of this, spray foam is inodorous. Therefore, there is no danger of attack from mildew or fungi. Add to this the fact its smooth nature allows it to significantly reduce the shock effects on your roofing structure.

Having spray foam roofing atop your commercial building carries many other upsides. Feel free to contact Beiler Premier Roofing at 941-726-0978 to learn more!

Spray Foam Application

Similar to any other roofing service, before spray foam is applied on your commercial roof, an in-depth evaluation of your roof needs to be carried out by Beiler Premier Roofing.

This evaluation determines the exact point(s) across your roof’s surface that may be deficient and in turn, help us provide you with a no-obligation estimate.  The estimate will identify the problems found, their corresponding suggestions, and the expenses of the service(s) required.

When we begin your spray foam project, you will find it is completed quickly, smoothly, and professionally. By using premium Conklin materials and bringing world-class craftsmanship to the table, Beiler Premier Roofing ensures that your project reaches completion timely and effectively.   For more information, please contact us today at 941-726-0978.